Collaborative Reference Group – Expression of Interest

10 April 2024

Collaborative Reference Group – Expression of Interest

A Collaborative Reference Group (CRG) is being established to consider and provide input on the options put forward by the Psychology Scope Advisory Group (PSAG)

The reference group will consist of representatives from key stakeholders.  The group is being established to review the options outlined by the PSAG, discuss key issues for stakeholders and provide feedback as a collective group to the PSAG. The purpose of the group is to:

  • create awareness of key stakeholders’ views on the options provided by the PSAG;
  • provide key stakeholders with an opportunity to provide input on the PSAG’s development of options at a relatively early stage;
  • assist in identifying the challenges and opportunities arising from any of the options provided by the PSAG. The reference group is not required to reach a common position, or to endorse recommendations or reports.

Due to the variety of stakeholders, it is anticipated that the reference group will also consider a range of cross-cutting factors, including te ao Māori, the safety of the public and vulnerable users, equity, education, employment, rural and urban perspectives. The group may also consider links to broader health harms and social impacts.

A representative of the secretariat has been appointed as the Project Lead.  Within a reasonable timeframe after the PSAG has outlined its options, the Project Lead will provide those options to the reference group and outline the timeframe for feedback to be provided.

Upon receipt of the reference group’s feedback, the Project Lead will:

  • Identify overarching themes across the feedback of all members of the reference group.
  • Identify the key challenges, strategic priorities and potential approaches identified by each group (including areas of agreement and contention)
  • Report this collated information to the PSAG.

We are seeking expressions of interest from applicants and stakeholders / organisation representatives with the necessary experience to operate as a member of the CRG.

We would also appreciate you passing this information onto others who you think maybe interested

The appointments panel will consist of the Executive Director of New Zealand Psychology Society, the CE of New Zealand Psychology Board (NZPB), the CE of Le Va, a practicing psychologist, a consumer and the NZPB Cultural Advisor.

If interested, please send an email expressing your interest and briefly outlining relevant expertise to . There is no need to provide a CV or cover letter. All EOIs will be reviewed by the appointments panel.

Please submit your expression of interest before 5pm 03 May 2024. APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED.

Appendix A: EXAMPLE of Membership of Reference Group

Focus Area Education Employment Public Safety Equity Regulation
Expert Advisors
Other Members


  • Early June – 27 November 2024.


  • This role is not remunerated.

Meeting Frequency:

  • It is expected CRG meetings will be held online with meeting dates, times and frequency to be agreed by consensus at the first meeting, operating from project commencement until conclusion of the term of operation specified in this document.

Service of Meetings:

  • Documentation for CRG is coordinated by the Group Chairs and forwarded to the NZPB Project Lead who will collate and report this to the PSAG.

Group Chairs:

  • To be elected at the first meeting.


  • The work of the CRG and PSAG is confidential, unless otherwise agreed by the Chairperson of the NZPB as appropriate. Members of the CRG will maintain this confidence and will not disclose information about the operations of the CRG or PSAG to any person without the above agreement