CCP Update

The CCP process is now embedded in the profession’s annual cycle of continuing competency and re-certification.  The Board is committed to regular reviews of the process to ensure it is fit for purpose, helpful for the profession and does not place too onorous a...

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Raka Maui – Expressions of Interest

Raka Maui - Expressions of Interest   We are seeking volunteers to participate in a trial for a cultural competency programme for all newly registered overseas trained psychologists - Raka Maui.  If you are an overseas trained psychologist who is registered and...

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Ministry of Justice – Expression of Interest

Ministry of Justice - Expressions of Interest   The Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te Ture are seeking expressions of interests from psychologist report writers to provide court ordered forensic reports. Please click HERE for their expression of interest letter.

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Artificial Intelligence Guidelines Consultation

Artificial Intelligence Guidelines Consultation   This consultation is regarding the newly developed draft Guidelines for the profession on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Psychology. AI is a rapidly developing function for society, including for...

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Updated Informed Consent Guidelines

Updated Informed Consent Guidelines   The process of informed consent is a critical step in the first contact with the people with whom we work.  It is also frequently an area where psychologists encounter situations that can be legally and ethically difficult to...

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