Expression of Interest for Psychology Scope Advisory Group (PSAG)

20 March 2024

Expression of Interest for Psychology Scope Advisory Group (PSAG)

The New Zealand Psychology Board (NZPB) is setting up a new Psychology Scope Advisory Group (PSAG) to support the review of the current Scopes of Practice.

We are seeking expressions of interest from applicants with the necessary experience to operate as a member of the Board’s PSAG.

We would also appreciate you passing this information onto others who you think maybe interested.

The PSAG will comprise of approximately 11 members (including a consumer) and will meet monthly from early June 2024 – 27th November 2024.

The appointments panel will consist of the Executive Director of New Zealand Psychology Society, the CE of NZPB, the CE of Le Va, a practicing psychologist, a consumer and the NZPB Cultural Advisor.

Please click the links below to access the documents

  • PSAG Terms of Reference and Code of Conduct
  • Scopes of Practice Timeline
  • NZPB Advisory Group appointments and process and panel

If interested, please submit your CV and a cover letter to . All applications will be reviewed by the appointments panel.

Please note: Consumer applications will need to be submitted via a different link, found here on the HQSC website.

For further information on the advisory group, please contact .

Please submit your expression of interest before 5pm 30 April 2024.