Expressions of Interest
Be Involved | Opportunities
An Overseas Trained Psychologist Advisory Group (OTPG) is being established to provide input on NZPBs review of the pathway.
Intent and scope of the OTP Advisory Group
The advisory group will consist of representatives from relevant stakeholders. The group is being established to review the current pathway/process for overseas applicants registering in NZ. We will be discussing key issues and experiences for stakeholders and providing input that will shape the future process.
The purpose of the group is to:
- create awareness of key stakeholders’ views on the OTP pathway/process
- provide key stakeholders with the opportunity to provide input on the review of NZPBs OTP pathway/process and the development of a new process at a relatively early stage; and
- assist in identifying pain points, challenges and opportunities.
We are seeking expressions of interest from applicants and stakeholders / organisation representatives with the necessary experience to contribute to this review.
This is a voluntary position and is not renumerated.
Meetings will be held online and the start date for this review is anticipated to be July 2025.
The frequency of the meetings will be decided by the group at the first meeting. We would however envision the meetings would be no more than 6 weekly and the life expectancy of this work is around 12 months.
If you would like to be considered for this group, please send an email with your CV expressing your interest and briefly outlining relevant expertise or motivation to .
We would also appreciate you passing this information onto others who you think maybe interested.
Please submit your expression of interest before 30th April 2025.
A Complaints Review Reference Group (CRRG) is being established to provide input on NZPBs Complaints Process.
Intent and scope of the Complaints Review Reference Group
The reference group will consist of representatives from relevant stakeholders. The group is being established to review the current complaints process discussing key issues and experiences for stakeholders and providing input that will shape the future process.
The purpose of the group is to:
- create awareness of key stakeholders’ views on the complaints process
- provide key stakeholders with the opportunity to provide input on the review of NZPBs complaints process and the development of a new process at a relatively early stage; and
- assist in identifying pain points, challenges and opportunities.
We are seeking expressions of interest from applicants and stakeholders / organisation representatives with the necessary experience to contribute to this review.
This is a voluntary position and is not renumerated.
Meetings will be held online and the start date for this review is anticipated to be July 2025.
The frequency of the meetings will be decided by the group at the first meeting. We would however envision the meetings would be no more than 6 weekly and the life expectancy of this work is around 12 months.
If you would like to be considered for this group, please send an email with your CV expressing your interest and briefly outlining relevant expertise or motivation to .
We would also appreciate you passing this information onto others who you think maybe interested.
Please submit your expression of interest before 30th April 2025.