Artificial Intelligence (AI) Guidelines
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Guidelines The Board are pleased to advise the approval of the final draft of 'Guidelines for the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Psychology in Aotearoa New Zealand' for publication at the recent August Board meeting. AI is...
Independent analysis of consultation feedback for the Proposed Framework for Scopes of Practice
Independent analysis of consultation feedback for the Proposed Framework for Scopes of Practice. Thank you to those individuals who took the time to read and respond to the consultation document on the Board’s 2023/2024 Proposed Framework for Scopes of...
Updated Informed Consent Guidelines
Updated Informed Consent Guidelines The process of informed consent is a critical step in the first contact with the people with whom we work. It is also frequently an area where psychologists encounter situations that can be legally and ethically difficult to...
Raka Maui Consultation Outcome 2024
Raka Maui Consultation Outcome 2024 Outcome of re-consultation on proposed changes to registration requirements for overseas-trained psychologists Thank you to those individuals who took the time to read and respond to the consultation document on its 2023 proposal to...
Scopes of Practice
This consultation is now closed. Thank you to those who provided submissions. We are currently reviewing the submissions we received. We will publish the updated statement once we finish this review. Extension of Consultation Period for Scopes of Practice Te Poari...
Roadshow Feedback
During the Roadshow, we promised we would update you on what happened with all of your fantastic feedback. We’ve made some progress and wanted to let you know what is happening next. The Board met on 16 and 17 August. The main kaupapa for the hui was to consider...