Pursuant to sections 11 and 12 of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003, the following notice is given.
This notice amends the Psychologists Board’s notice dated the 20th day of August 2004 and published in a Supplement to the New Zealand Gazette, 15 September 2004, No. 120, at page 2976, setting out scopes of practice and related qualifications.
Please add the following vocational scope of practice, along with its definition and qualification:
Counselling Psychologist
Counselling Psychologists apply psychological knowledge and theory derived from research to the area of client empowerment and enhancement, to assist children, young persons, adults and their families with personal, social, educational, and vocational functioning by using psychological assessments and interventions, and preventative approaches that acknowledge ecological, developmental and phenomenological dimensions.
Such practice is undertaken within an individual’s area and level of expertise and with due regard to ethical, legal, and
Board-prescribed standards.
Qualifications Prescribed for the Scope
A minimum of a Master’s degree in psychology from an accredited educational organisation and an accredited Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling Psychology, or equivalent qualification.
Eligibility for a counselling psychologist scope of practice shall require a Board approved practicum or internship involving 1500 hours of supervised practice.
This notice takes effect from 1 April 2010.
Dated at Wellington this 24th day of February 2010.
STEVEN J. OSBORNE, Chief Executive and Registrar, Psychologists Board.