24 February 2025

PC Renewal 2025


You should now apply to renew your practising certificate (PC) OR update your practising status for the new practising year (1 April 2025 – 31 March 2026).

This must be actioned by 31 March 2025 at the latest.

You can choose one of the following options moving forward:

  1. Apply to renew your current PC. This can be renewed for 1, 3 or 12 months.
  2. Apply to remain on the Register as a non-practising psychologist.
  3. Request cancellation of your registration.

How to apply for PC renewal or to update your practising status online

1. Board’s website (Psychologists Portal)

2. Check your personal details are correct

  • Once logged in, please check your personal details are correct, most of which can be updated online, if necessary.

3. Fill out the online application form

  • Complete your application form – selecting either ’Practising Certificate’ OR ‘Not Practising’ (this includes cancellation).

4. Complete the Annual Workforce Survey

  • Completion of the Annual Workforce Survey precedes the renewal section.
  • The Board is required to provide workforce information to the Director-General of Health under s 134A of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003.

5. Pay the fee for your application

Fees for 2025/2026 GST incl
Application to renew current PC $605.00
Application for new 12 month PC $698.00
Application by a graduate for first 12 month PC $503.00
Application for a 1 month PC $98.00
Application for a 3 month PC $202.00
Application for not practising/register maintenance $48.00
  • Payment can be made with a Visa or MasterCard, or “Account-to-Account” via the secure web payment system.
  • You will receive an email with the invoice/GST receipt attached. This can be provided to employers for reimbursement, where applicable.

6. Check if you have been selected for audit

  • On completion of the renewal process, the screen will indicate whether you have been selected for audit of your Continuing Competence Programme (CCP). If so, you will receive a separate email with further information about the process you are required to follow. (You may need to check your junk/spam inbox).

Please note a psychologist is not permitted to practice without a current practising certificate, so it is very important that you renew your practising certificate by 31 March 2025.

If you are not practising, you are still required to update your practising status to either ‘not practising’ or you can cancel your registration.

Questions or technical issues

Please check www.psychologistsboard.org.nz for updates on any technical issues being experienced, and/or contact us by email:  or phone: 0800 471 4580.

Once you have renewed your PC, an electronic copy can be downloaded and printed using the ‘APC’ tab on the right side of your practitioner details screen.

The Board no longer provides hard copies. If there is no ‘APC’ tab, please refer to the explanation beneath the receipt tab.


Ngā mihi nui

Vanessa Simpson – Chief Executive/Registrar | Tumuaki/Pouroki