Psychology Scopes Advisory Group (PSAG) Updates
Psychology Scopes Advisory Group (PSAG) Updates
The PSAG members wish to provide a final update to psychologists and members of the public, now that we have come to the end of our mahi. On 27 November we submitted our final proposal to the NZPB, outlining possible options for scopes of practice in Aotearoa NZ, as per the terms of our deliverables. Four members of our group will be meeting with the Board on 11 December 2024 to further discuss the submission. The Board will then make decisions on next steps.
In today’s climate of an ever-changing sociopolitical landscape and the potential for polarization, it was refreshing, heartening and exciting to be able to work through this problem-solving process together. Each participant of the PSAG consistently remained curious and open to evaluating all possibilities and valued the unity amongst our profession, above our differences. This indeed is a testament to the coming together of not only the range of psychologists from different scopes of practice, but also the widely varied backgrounds and experiences of each individual.
It is with our guiding principle to approach our mahi with transparency, compassion, empathy and openness that the PSAG members collectively worked toward a goal of delivering tangible courses of action for the NZPB. We wish to express our gratitude for the Board’s selection and convening of this group and the important mahi we have been able to participate in.
The PSAG group members wish to provide a further update to psychologists and members of the public regarding our progress to date. We have been meeting fortnightly via teams following our first hui in July, to discuss and analyze the information that has been provided to us, as well as that which we have sourced or requested to inform this project.
A large volume of information has been considered, including (but not limited to); the Analysis of Scopes of Practice Consultation feedback, a review of complaints data, data on how scopes of practice are used internationally (particularly in terms of the mutual recognition of psychologist registration between Australia and New Zealand) and relevant legislation, including the recently proposed changes to the HPCA Act and Regulatory Authorities.
We met for two further face-to-face hui in Wellington on 20th September and 14th of October. At these hui, we focused on a structured options analysis, working through the information to begin to develop a proposal that meets the terms of our deliverables to the Board.
We wish to acknowledge again the stress that many psychologists are under currently and the uncertainty created by the review of scopes, as well as other changes and challenges in the health sector. We would like to reiterate that we as a group are united in our focus on supporting psychologists to continue to undertake the work that they are competent to do, as well as growth and development in our evolving profession moving forward.
We, as the PSAG group members wanted to provide an update to psychologists and members of the public regarding our first meeting and to highlight our plans moving forward. We acknowledge the stress that psychologists may be under and the impact a review of the scopes of practice has had on the profession. As representatives of our vocation, the members of PSAG are united in ensuring that whatever recommendations are put forward to the Board, not only offer safety around the delivery of competent services to the public, but also nurture, grow and strengthen the profession. We aim to be transparent and hold compassion, empathy, and openness throughout the course of our work. Our next steps will be to review the scopes feedback that has already been gathered and to gain additional information from the members of the public regarding their experiences of accessing psychologists within their communities, as well as the CRG members to inform pathways going forward.