Fees and Levy

By law, the Board must generate sufficient revenue to cover its operating costs. To accomplish this the Board is empowered by the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 to prescribe fees and to impose a disciplinary levy.

The Board receives no funding from the government.

The Disciplinary Levy is set annually to ensure that the Board is able to manage all reasonably anticipated discipline-related costs in the following year.

The Board reviews its fees every year, and makes adjustments where necessary to ensure that they are set to achieve cost recovery only.

All changes to the Board’s fees and levy are reviewed by the Regulations Review Committee (a Parliamentary Select Committee) and are notified in advance in the Gazette.

Fee schedule

The current fees and levy charged by the Psychologists Board are set out below. Application fees are not refundable, even when an application is declined. All amounts are in NZ dollars and are inclusive of GST.

Application for registration by a practitioner trained in New Zealand
Application for registration under the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997
Application for registration by a practitioner trained overseas in a prescribed country1
Application for registration by a practitioner trained overseas in a non-prescribed country
Application for a vocational scope of practice2 by a practitioner trained in New Zealand or a prescribed country
Application for a vocational scope of practice2 by a practitioner trained in a non-prescribed country
Application (Stage 1) for the Neuropsychologist scope of practice
Application (Stage 2) for the Neuropsychologist scope of practice
Application (Stage 3) for the Neuropsychologist scope of practice
Application to be restored to the Register of Psychologists
Application for a new practising certificate for a period of 12 months (or less)3
Application by a new graduate for his or her first (12-month) practising certificate
Application for a new practising certificate valid for a period of 3 months (or less) by a practitioner who has not been practising at any other time during that financial year4
Application for a practising certificate valid for a period of 1 month (or less) by a practitioner who has not been practising at any other time during that financial year
Application to renew a current practising certificate for the subsequent financial year
Application to return to practice from a practitioner who has not held a practising certificate within the 3 years immediately preceding the date of the application
Annual maintenance of registration and communication for non-practising registrants
The supply of any documents (other than a certificate of registration) required for the purpose of seeking registration overseas
Inspection of the Register or other records (search fee)
Copy of the Register of Psychologists
Application for the Board to review a delegate’s decision
Fee for conducting an accreditation review of a degree, course of study, or programme leading to registration as a psychologist in New Zealand 5


1A current list of prescribed countries is maintained by the Board and published on its website.

2Excepting applications for the Neuropsychologist scope of practice.

3Practising certificate is an annual practising certificate or an interim practising certificate.

4The Board’s financial year ends 31 March.

5Fee will be adjusted (at a rate of $100.00 per assessor per hour) if site visit exceeds three days and/or deficiencies are identified that require additional review.

Payment options

Please be sure that the necessary form(s) and/or declarations have been submitted prior to or at the same time as making payment of the relevant fee. Applications will only be processed once payment has cleared.

To make a payment to the Psychologists Board you can use any of the following options.

Online applications

For all online applications (PCs and Register Maintenance) – please use the secure online payment system (credit card or “Account-to-Account“).

Paper applications

For paper applications (Registration etc):

  • Direct Deposit – to account number 03 0502 0254983 00 and be sure to note your registration number and name in the reference/comments fields.
  • Credit Card – we accept Visa and MasterCard only.