We welcome your feedback on these consultations and public feedback documents so we can maintain the high standards for which New Zealand’s psychology profession is respected. Your responses are valuable in helping to shape our future, our processes and the way we practice.

All feedback provided is anonymous.

Artifical Intelligence Guidelines

This consultation is now closed. Thank you to those who provided submissions. We are currently reviewing the submissions we received. We will publish the updated guidelines once we finish this review.

Proposed Framework for Scopes of Practice

This consultation is now closed. Thank you to those who provided submissions. We are currently reviewing the submissions we received. We will publish the updated statement once we finish this review.


This consultation has now closed. Thank you to those who provided submissions. The consultation outcome document can be viewed by clicking here

Please click here to view the Gazette notice.

Raka Maui

This consultation has now closed. Thank you to those individuals who took the time to read and respond to the consultation document on its 2023 proposal to introduce Raka Maui: A cultural competency programme for all newly registered overseas trained psychologists.

This re-consultation ran from 1 December 2023 to 30 January 2024, proposing a cultural competence programme for all newly registered overseas trained psychologists.

A total of 447 responses were received. This represents a response rate of nearly 9.77% for the total workforce emailed at the time of consultation.

Based on the responses, the outcome determined by the Board is to proceed with a small test group (timeframe yet to be determined).