We welcome your feedback on these consultations and public feedback documents so we can maintain the high standards for which New Zealand’s psychology profession is respected. Your responses are valuable in helping to shape our future, our processes and the way we practice.
Assistant/Associate Psychologist (AP)
The New Zealand Psychologists Board has taken on the lead role for the development of a regulatory framework for a new scope of practice, currently being referred to as Assistant/Associate Psychologist (AP). This work is additionally resourced and is being conducted within a wider context of mental health workforce development currently being undertaken by Te Whatu Ora/Health New Zealand (TWO/HNZ).
The role of AP is intended to work within a wider service under a specific scope to provide psychologically informed services alongside psychologists where available in the service, and/or provide psychological services with supervision by a psychologist.
We appreciate the time taken to engage with us on this important subject and encourage all stakeholders to stay engaged as consultation and feedback opportunities arise in the near future.
Whilst the initial AP Survey closed on 13/12/24, we welcome your input via the following channels.
Formal submission document*, you can email your submission to
There will be further opportunity to provide feedback via formal consultation this year. We encourage you to keep an eye out for this via our Pānui and ensure “” is in your safe sender list. The consultation will be hosted on our website.
You can access information and updates regarding the AP project HERE.
Any queries outside of AP scope, competencies and accreditation should be directed to Te Whatu Ora.
*Publication of submissions
- We publish submissions at our discretion on our website. Published submissions will include the names of the individuals and/or the organisations that made the submission unless confidentiality is requested.
- Please advise us if you do not want all or part of your submission published.
- We will not place on our website, or make available to the public, submissions that contain offensive or defamatory comments or which are outside the scope of the subject of the survey or consultation.
- Any submissions that contain offensive or inappropriate language or comments will not be considered.
Associated Documents
- Te Whatu Ora Role Description
- Te Whatu Ora Update – 05 March 2025
- Te Whatu Ora Update – 19 March 2025
- Allen & Clarke Feasibility Report
Code of Conduct & Code of Ethics
This consultation is now closed. Thank you to those who provided submissions. We are currently reviewing the submissions we received. We will publish an update once we finish this review.
Artifical Intelligence Guidelines
This consultation is now closed. Thank you to those who provided submissions. The updated guidelines can be viewed by clicking here.
Proposed Framework for Scopes of Practice
This consultation is now closed. Thank you to those who provided submissions. We are currently reviewing the submissions we received. We will publish the updated statement once we finish this review.
Please click here for the feedback analysis report.
This consultation has now closed. Thank you to those who provided submissions. The consultation outcome document can be viewed by clicking here
Please click here to view the Gazette notice.
Raka Maui
This consultation has now closed. Thank you to those individuals who took the time to read and respond to the consultation document on its 2023 proposal to introduce Raka Maui: A cultural competency programme for all newly registered overseas trained psychologists.
This re-consultation ran from 1 December 2023 to 30 January 2024, proposing a cultural competence programme for all newly registered overseas trained psychologists.
A total of 447 responses were received. This represents a response rate of nearly 9.77% for the total workforce emailed at the time of consultation.
Based on the responses, the outcome determined by the Board is to proceed with a small test group.
Please click here for the Raka Maui Expression of Interest document.